The story of Ortho Florida’s creation is one of resilience and a commitment to providing exceptional orthopedic care while preserving the independence of its member practices. In the early 2000s, the healthcare landscape was undergoing a significant transformation. Venture capital and private equity acquisitions were becoming increasingly common in the medical field, and many providers found themselves at a crossroads between maintaining autonomy and succumbing to corporate pressures.
The twelve founding members of Ortho Florida, however, experienced firsthand the challenges and pitfalls of venture capital and corporate acquisitions. The collapse of a venture capital management company acquisition became a turning point in their careers. They realized that to ensure the long-term success of their practices and the quality of patient care, they needed to break away from corporate control and embrace their autonomy as independent practitioners.
Find out more on how Ortho Florida helps you stay independent.
Find out more on how Ortho Florida provides strength in numbers.
What does the future
healthcare landscape
look like?
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Efficient operations are not just...
In the evolving healthcare landscape,...
In the competitive healthcare landscape,...
Seed quis ultricies sapien, et bibendum ligula. Nam consequat velit orci, posuere volutpat quam viverra sit amet. Phasellus tempor diam non nunc hendrerit lobortis consectetur at dui. Fusce varius velit eu mauris placerat vulputate