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About Us

Ortho Florida is a non-traditional orthopedic group structure that values independent practice. The group was created by providers for providers to ensure future independence to practice medicine but also provides some of the same protections as a large group or employment model, Ortho Florida truly does provide the best of both worlds.

Providers who join Ortho Florida retain their brand equity as well as their current standing in the community. Unlike other large groups, Ortho Florida prides itself on autonomy and the ability for centers to still be able to make independent decisions and control their future. In addition, Ortho Florida provides all of the same benefits as small independent practice that focuses on patient-centered care and caters to providers with an entrepreneurial spirit.

While independence is great, Ortho Florida also provides the benefits seen in large group models. For example, being part of a larger group allows for economies of scale and this is also a benefit of Ortho Florida. Items such as group purchasing, contract negotiations, and ancillary benefits are just a few of the offerings.

What is an Umbrella Group Structure?

An umbrella group structure in a medical practice refers to a specific organizational arrangement where multiple individual medical practices or healthcare providers come together under a single overarching entity or organization. This overarching entity serves as an administrative and management hub that provides various support services to the individual practices or providers within the group. This structure is often used to achieve economies of scale, improve efficiency, and offer shared resources and services.

Key features of an umbrella group structure in a medical practice include:

  1. Individual Practices: Under the umbrella group, individual medical practices or healthcare providers maintain their autonomy and continue to operate independently. They may specialize in different medical fields or services.
  2. Shared Resources: The umbrella group typically provides shared resources and services that individual practices may find beneficial. This can include centralized billing and coding, human resources, marketing, electronic health records (EHR) systems, IT support, and administrative assistance.
  3. Economies of Scale: By pooling resources and services, the practices within the group can often reduce costs and operate more efficiently. This can lead to cost savings and potentially improved profitability for individual practices.
  4. Negotiating Power: The collective strength of the group can enhance their negotiating power with insurance companies, suppliers, and other entities. This can lead to better reimbursement rates and access to resources.
  5. Quality Improvement: An umbrella group structure can facilitate knowledge sharing and quality improvement initiatives among the member practices, helping to raise the standard of care across the board.
  6. Risk Mitigation: In some cases, the group structure may help individual practices share the risks associated with changes in healthcare regulations, reimbursement models, and other industry challenges.
  7. Professional Collaboration: Healthcare providers within the group can collaborate on complex cases or refer patients to specialists within the same umbrella organization.
    Compliance and Regulatory Support: The umbrella group can assist member practices in adhering to healthcare regulations and compliance requirements.
  8. Expansion Opportunities: Under this structure, it may be easier for individual practices to expand their services, open new locations, or explore other growth opportunities.


Umbrella group structures are commonly found in various healthcare settings. They can provide a way for healthcare providers to maintain their independence while benefiting from the shared resources, support, and synergy of a larger organization.

About the CEO

Dane C. Trask, CEO Ortho Florida

Dane C. Trask, CEO Ortho Florida

Dane has been in healthcare administration for 20 years, owning his own management and marketing company, working for healthcare organizations such as Hospital Corporation of America, Iasis Healthcare and currently in his 6th year with Ortho Florida LLC.

During Dane’s tenure with Ortho Florida, the group has tripled in size, expanded to cover the entire state of Florida and established itself as the largest umbrella group in the state.

With the continued support of the members of Ortho Florida, Dane has been able to integrate new service lines in the existing care centers, thus improving care and coordination at a local level and increasing the revenue of the member care centers. With the continued growth Ortho Florida will be the leader of Orthopedic services in the
state of Florida. If you would like to learn more about Ortho Florida please reach out to us at contact@orthoflorida.net or use the contact us form below: